Witcher: Old World Legendary Hunt (Kickstarter Special), Minimum Players 1, Maximum Players 5, Kickstarter, Toys & Games > Games > Board Games, Toys & Hobbies> Games> Board & Traditional Games> Contemporary Manufacture, The Witcher: Old World - Legendary Hunt, The Witcher: Old World Legendary Hunt Kickstarter Board Game Expansion, the witcher old world legendary hunt kickstarter edition board game expansion, KS001114E, Go On Board, Board Game Geek, Kickstarter GamesKickstarter Board Games Expansions, Kickstarter Board Games Expansion, CD Projekt RED, Go On Board, ADC Blackfire Entertainment, Asmodee, Conclave Editora, GaGa Games, Geekach Games, Gen X Games, Matagot, Pendragon Games Studio, Rebel Sp z oo, Yayoi The Dreamer, The Witcher Old World - Legendary Hunt, Kickstarter Board Games, Card Play Conflict Resolution, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Dice Rolling, Events, Hand Management, Increase Value of Unchosen Resources, Narrative Choice Paragraph, Open Drafting, Pick up and Deliver, Point to Point Movement, Race, Role Playing, Solo Solitaire Games, Variable Player Powers, Variable Set up Games, Lukasz Wozniak, Kickstarter Tabletop Games, Kickstarter Board Game Expansion, Board Game Expansion, Game Expansion, Tabletop Games, Card Play Conflict Resolution, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building, Dice Rolling, Events, Hand Management, Increase Value of Unchosen Resources, Narrative Choice / Paragraph, Open Drafting, Pick-up and Deliver, Point to Point Movement, Race, Role Playing, Solo / Solitaire Game, Variable Player Powers, Variable Set-up, Lukasz Wozniak, CD Projekt RED, Go On Board, ADC Blackfire Entertainment, Asmodee, Conclave Editora, GaGa Games, Geekach Games, Gen-X Games, Matagot, Pendragon Game Studio, Rebel Sp. z o.o., Yayoi The Dreamer