AOS - Gloomspite Gitz - endless Spells

Regular price $55.00 1 in stock
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    Harness the full magical might of the Gloomspite Gitz with these endless spells – powerful summoned sorceries unique to the shamans of the moon-worshipping grot tribes.

    This set includes four endless spells:
    - Malevolent Moon – a visage of the Bad Moon itself that crashes through enemies and emanates a lunatic light
    - Mork’s Mighty Mushroom – a gigantic fungal phantasm that melts whole armies with mutating spores
    - Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron – a sentient, hungering cauldron that enhances magical abilities – for a price
    - Scuttletide – a sorcerous swarm of scurrying spiders that bites anything in reach

    - $55.00

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