The lives of the Fyreslayers revolve around battle, for these grizzled duardin mercenaries will fight on behalf of any who meet their price in gold. Renowned for their fearsome tempers and unrivalled martial skills, the Fyreslayers seek treasure to gather the essence of their long-lost deity, Grimnir. Inspired by Battlesmiths bellowing the deeds of their forebears, stalwart Hearthguard warriors and unyielding Vulkite Berzerkers charge into battle, craving glory and gold alike.
If you want to honour Grimnir in battle across the Mortal Realms, then this box is an ideal place to start a new army or expand your existing Fyreslayers force, and will save you money over buying the kits individually. It includes a balanced selection of units, meaning you can claim bounties on the tabletop with just these miniatures.
This set includes the following multipart plastic models:
– 1x Battlesmith
– 5x Hearthguard Berzerkers( which can alternatively be built as Auric Hearthguard)
– 20x Vulkite Berzerkers
All models are supplied with their appropriate bases.
These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
White Dwarf Issue 493 - $14.00
White Dwarf Issue 494 - $14.00
White Dwarf 495 - $14.00
Issue 497 - $14.00
White Dwarf issue 498 - $14.00
White Dwarf issue 499 - $14.00
White Dwarf Issue 501 - $14.00
White Dwarf
Soulblight Gravelords - $40.00
Grand Alliance: Destruction - $40.00
Grand Alliance: Order - $40.00
Orruk Warclans - $40.00
Stormcast Eternals - $40.00
Grand Alliance: Death - $40.00
Grand Alliance: Chaos - $40.00
AOS - Age of Sigmar Dice Sets