Digimon - Animal Colosseum - Booster Box

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    The 5th theme booster will be called "Animal Colosseum" and will be released on August 25th, 2023.

    Like theme booster 3, this one takes it's name from a Pendulum Progress release. The last few theme boosters have sometimes stretched the name rather than being hyper literal, so we'll see what shows up here. There is no specific info what is in the booster at this time, although people are already guessing based on what is in the V-Pet.

    This theme booster is planned for 74 cards, so we expect the lineup to be roughly equivalent to prior ones, which have generally been:
    Common- 26
    Uncommon- 20
    Rare- 18
    Super Rare- 8
    Secret Rare- 2

    A high number of parallel cards is 

    - $179.99

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